The End of An Era

Hi Fit Friends,

Due to my interests in other areas and the need to be laser focus in my entrepreneurial efforts…with much heartbreak, I will no longer post to this site anymore.

If you are interested in still following me and my future endeavors, feel free to sign up on my mailing list below  and I’ll keep you posted if you like.

Thank you for many years of great posts and good times.

Your Fit Friend,

Strong By Choice

P.S. Sign up if you like.  Click HERE.

31 Day New Challenge

December 2013 is a wrap.

Duh, right?

We as a fit family decided to do the following for December:

  • Bear Crawls based on the date of the day (e.g. Day 5 would be 5 crawls)
  • Squats based on the date of the day (e.g. same as above)

We squeaked through this challenge with high fives all around.

My ladies (my wife E and daughter M) became all hardcore and would keep bugging me, “So what is the next challenge?  What are we doing?” Continue reading